How to Use Montessori Albums

Montessori albums, which contain all the lessons you can present to your child, can seem overwhelming at first. It might be tempting to use them linearly, going through every single lesson from start to finish like a traditional curriculum. Alternately, some people pick and choose lessons at random, not grasping the underlying sequences between topics.
I want to help you understand how to use the albums more holistically, to find a balance between structure and improvisation.
To do this, let’s take a little trip.
Imagine you and your child are planning this trip. You first have to decide on a continent. From there, you choose a starting country. And then, you start thinking about the cities you’ll visit and what you’ll see in each city. This type of planning is leading you from the whole to the detail, and it reflects the structure that Montessori uses to guide a child’s education.
Now, let’s continue with the travel analogy. To get a good sense of a country’s culture, it’s a good idea to visit several cities or towns. You look at your map to plan in what order you’ll visit these places. You’ll spend more time in some than in others. Some places will intrigue you, and you’ll want to stay there an extra couple of days. Others you’ll be done with in one afternoon.
Some places you absolutely have to visit, because they provide important context for understanding the country’s culture. Other locations are optional. You can even re-visit your favorite places, or go back to places you didn’t fully appreciate the first time. There will certainly be interesting detours along the way, but because you have a map and a plan, you can get back on track at any point.
As you travel along, you’ll start making connections and drawing conclusions about the culture of that country based on your own culture and lived experiences. You’ll collect postcards, take pictures, and pick up souvenirs. At some point, you’ll have learned enough about that country to share your impressions and experiences with others. You’ll write letters and fly back home to share your stories with your friends. And you’ll start planning your next big adventure.
The Montessori approach to learning is akin to taking a trip to a foreign country. You might want to re-read the paragraphs above, thinking about how the analogy relates to your child’s education, and your own!
Do you have to know everything about the country to plan and execute the trip? No. But does it help to have a map and a travel guide, and to plan ahead of time? Yes.
That’s what the Montessori albums are - a travel guide. Bon voyage!
Navigate your Montessori homeschool learning journey with joy, and cut your planning and prep time in half, with the Montessori Lesson Sequence Timeline! This user-friendly alternative to the overwhelming albums has everything you need to approach Montessori homeschooling with confidence. Learn more here!
- 3-6 (8)
- 6-9 (26)
- 9-12 (8)
- Positive Discipline (2)
- Conscious Parenting (12)
- Montessori Curriculum (9)
- Preparation of the Adult (14)
- Preparation of the Environment (11)
- Montessori Principles (11)
- Montessori Homeschooling (20)
- Language Arts (3)
- Math (3)
- Geography (2)
- Biology (1)
- History (2)
- Practical Life (1)
- Montessori Stories (4)
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